Some weeks ago, I popped in for a cup of coffee and sandwich.
a very strong cup of coffeeIt was a pleasant surprise to discover that they have one full page of vegetarian menu. I made a mental note to come back again for their Thai food.

It was yesterday that I finally met up with a friend there for dinner, a friend that I haven't met up for years!
vegetarian tom yum soup
I find it hard to find clear tom yum soup in Singapore, more so the vegetarian version. It is a must order item when I see it on the menu. And it turned out great, loaded with different kinds of mushrooms. Certainly much better than the red-tom yum, which I always find too oily.
Wanton Pra Thai
I actually ordered this by mistake, thinking that it is wanton skin with the pra thai noodles, so I was a bit disappointed when it came only with the wanton skin. Tasty but its better shared with 3-4 persons as the taste does get monotonous after some time.
A nice pot of lemongrass to round up the dinner
Unfortunately, we were too full for cakes at the end of the meal. So that will be for the next trip.